Christina,I do promise,to hold you and cherish you.
And I promise,to be there in sickness and in health.
I could say, till death do us apart. but, I won't.
Those vows are for optimistic couples,the vows full of hope,but I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope.
I'm not optimistic,I'm not full of hope.
I'm sure,I'm steady.
And I know,I am a heartman,take them apart,put them back together,I hold them in my hands,I'm a heartman, so this,I'm sure,you are my partner,my lover,my very best friend.
my heart,my heart beats for you,And on this day,the day of our wedding,I promise you this,I promise you to let my heart in your pond of your hands,I promise you,me.
If one day,someone I love tell me like this.I will merry him without any hesitate.
but you can't imagine that this person was speaking on the surgery.
It is a pratice.
Izzie在停车场长大,被抛弃的少女妈妈,不得不把女儿交予别人收养,为了挣学费去做内衣模特;Alex从小被酗酒的父亲折磨,以至于迷恋职业摔角;Lexie也有酗酒的父亲,和莫名其妙就去世了的母亲,还有一个不知所以的异母姐姐;Shepherd, Mark 和Addison,多重背叛,放荡不羁;当然还有集一切黑暗于大成的Meredith,我一点都不奇怪她有自杀倾向,倒是奇怪她怎么能一直活下来。
《实习医生格蕾 第一季》Seatle Grace Hospital再度浓情开张!